35 Years
Michelle Lynn Worsen
Vincentian Home
5 Years
Patricia Austin
Vincentian Schenley Gardens
Jerry Baynes
Vincentian Schenley Gardens
Eldenita Capillan
Vincentian Schenley Gardens
Traci Didley
Vincentian Schenley Gardens
Kenna Embree
Vincentian Terrace Place
Ericka Griffin
Vincentian Schenley Gardens
Carolyn Langford
Vincentian Schenley Gardens
Mary Little
Vincentian Schenley Gardens
Rosemarie Malanoski
Vincentian Schenley Gardens
Tammi Mathis
Vincentian Schenley Gardens
Kim McLane
Vincentian Home
Audrianna McManus
Vincentian Home Personal Care
Dana Powe
Vincentian Schenley Gardens
Blayne Revis
Vincentian Schenley Gardens
William Roberson
Vincentian Schenley Gardens
Sandra Talley
Vincentian Schenley Gardens
Maureen Vojtash
Vincentian Schenley Gardens
Shanique Waymer
Vincentian Schenley Gardens
Georgia White
Vincentian Home
Keith Williams
Vincentian Schenley Gardens
3 Years
Alexander Konecky
Vincentian Home
Vincent Mancini
Unconventional Kitchen
Jessica Myers
Vincentian Home
Reilly Rubenstein
VCDC McCandless
1 Year
Madeline Casella
Vincentian Home
Matthew McConnell
Vincentian Terrace Place
Erin McQuillan
Vincentian Home
Patrick Quigley
Vincentian Home
Chloe Winkworth
Vincentian Home Personal Care
The following employees recently joined Vincentian. If you are able, please take a moment to introduce yourself, and welcome them to Vincentian.
Whitney Bateman
Vincentian Home Personal Care
India Benjamin
Vincentian Home Personal Care
Jenna Galuska
Vincentian Home
Logan Guise
VCDC McCandless
Ieshia Johnson
Vincentian Home Personal Care
Chloe Murphy
Vincentian Home Personal Care
Danielle Robbins
Vincentian Schenley Gardens
Atajhsa Thomas
Vincentian Schenley Gardens