Protecting the privacy of resident information is an important responsibility for every Vincentian employee. This includes any personal health information created, used, or disclosed while providing healthcare services that can potentially identify an individual.

Please keep these important guidelines in mind as it relates to confidential information:

  1. Do not discuss resident information in public areas, such as hallways, breakrooms, or outside. Be aware of your surroundings and try to move to an area where you cannot be overheard.
  2. Share resident information only with those who need to know. If you are uncertain about whether a family member or staff ­member needs to know information about a resident, check with your supervisor.
  3. Ensure that resident information and records are not left out in the open on desks or tabletops or in resident rooms.
  4. Ensure that sensitive resident information, such as notes from your daily assignment, is disposed of properly.
  5. Do not take resident information home with you.
  6. Offer only appropriate information, when requested. Do not share more than is required.

Click here to read the Confidentiality of Resident Information Policy #102. It can also be found in the Policy Center on any Vincentian computer.