From the FDA: Don’t Overuse Acetaminophen

You have flu symptoms, so you’ve been getting some relief by taking a cough and flu medicine every few hours. Late in the day, you have a headache and think about grabbing a couple of acetaminophen tablets (Tylenol, paracetamol and panadol) to treat the pain. Stop...

Free Flu Clinics Are Coming to You

Flu season is rapidly approaching, and Vincentian wants you to be prepared. This year, the Vincentian Clinical Excellence team will be hosting vaccine clinics for influenza, COVID-19, and pneumonia to all Vincentian employees. All are welcome to join. You will receive...

Focus on our Goals: Clinical Excellence In Action

Two upcoming programs are putting clinical excellence at the forefront of our workforce development efforts. In preparation for the anticipated October 1, 2023, implementation of the Minimum Data Set (MDS) 3.0 Resident Assessment Instrument, certain management of...