February is a month for celebrating love. It is also American Heart Month – and a good reminder to adopt heart-healthy habits to reduce the risks for hypertension and high cholesterol, which can lead to heart disease or even a heart attack. Reduce your risks by exercising regularly; easing stress; going smoke-free; and by maintaining a healthy weight.
- Move around. Aim to exercise at least 5 days a week, 30 minutes each time.
- Choose good-for-you foods. Fill up on fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Try to eat fewer fatty or salty foods.
- Say “no” to more. Alcohol, that is. For men, that’s no more than two drinks a day. For women, no more than one.
- Don’t forget your checkups. Your primary care provider can make sure your blood pressure is on track. And if you need medicine, he or she can help you take it the right way.
If you need help, try talking with a Health Coach.
If you are a UPMC Health Plan member or if you have signed up as a Thrive Wellness Only member you have free access to UPMC health coaches. Call 1-866-778-6073 (TTY: 711) or log in to the MyHealth OnLine portal.
Health Coaching Sessions Can Help You Earn $100
To receive this health incentive credit, you can participate in 3 Health Coaching sessions
Make sure your health screening results show a 5% decrease over last year or are in the optimal range for 3 of the following:
- Blood pressure
- Total cholesterol
- Glucose