It’s never too early or too late to learn about saving and improving your financial outlook. Developing a budget and building financial knowledge is the foundation for a brighter future. Financial literacy is having the ability to understand and make use of a variety of financial skills: banking, budgeting, handling debt and credit, and investing.
Two tips to keep in mind:
- Budgeting
Budgeting doesn’t mean you can never spend money. It means that you’re making a plan for how you’re spending before the month begins. It’s really about being intentional with where your money goes. - Saving
Consider having a set amount automatically transferred from your checking to your savings account each month. You’ll be surprised how quickly your savings balance grows.
You can get help reaching your financial goals through a free financial wellness program with Clearview Credit Union’s Partner Program, called LifeCents. Enrolling in the online program can help you build better money habits and gain the confidence you need to make smarter financial decisions every day.
To learn more visit and select Sign Up to get started!