If you don’t already have a primary care provider, UPMC is going to call you in May to help you select one. A primary care provider (PCP) can help you stay healthy with regular checkups, preventive health care screenings, and vaccinations. They can also help you manage serious medical conditions, like high blood pressure, cancer, and diabetes.

You don’t have to wait for UPMC’s call to select PCP. Here are three ways you can designate one:

  1. Use MyHealth OnLine: Log in and select “Find Care” to access our provider directory. Once you have chosen a PCP, click the Select as My PCP button. If you need help, call Member Services at the number on your member ID card.
  2. Use the UPMC Health Plan mobile app: Open the app, tap Care, then choose “Select a PCP” to access our provider directory.
  3. Call UPMC’s Member Services at 1-888-876-2756.

Need help choosing the right PCP for you and your family?
The UPMC Find a Doctor tool can help you narrow your search based on various criteria that is important to you.

Get Thrive Wellness Credits for Choosing a PCP
Selecting or updating your primary care provider on the UPMC MyHealth Online portal is one of the two health preventive activities you need to earn the $75 Thrive Health Prevention reward.

Here are the others:
Colorectal Screening
Cervical Cancer Screening
Diabetes Retinal eye exam
A1C Screening (Diabetes)
Dental Exam
Eye Exam

Visit the Thrive folder in the Resource Center on Vincentian computers for more information.