The term Emotional Intelligence – often referred to as EQ, is the ability to manage your emotions and understand the emotions of those around you.

The DiSC personality assessment is a method of predicting behavior based on personality traits. Together, these tools –  DiSC and EQ – are a helpful combo to use when working to understand and improve interpersonal dynamics and positive communication practices.

As we have learned, DiSC focuses on four primary personality traits: Dominant (D), Influence (I), Steadiness (S), and Conscientiousness (C). Each DiSC type identifies distinct behavioral patterns and communication styles. EQ, on the other hand, measures a person’s ability to recognize, understand, and manage their own emotions and the emotions of others. By understanding the relationship of DiSC to EQ, we can gain a more detailed understanding of how our DiSC type influences our emotional intelligence and interactions. This knowledge empowers us and can be applied to help us be better listeners, communicators, and teammates.

  • Dominant (D) types are generally motivated by results and can tend to take an assertive approach to interactions with others. In terms of EQ,  D types might excel in self-awareness and self-management due to their confidence and determination, but softer skills like empathy and social awareness may require a more deliberate effort.  Enhancing EQ for D types involves cultivating active listening skills and practicing patience to better understand and connect with colleagues and other teammates.
  • Influencing (i) types are sociable, enthusiastic, and well, influential. Their natural charisma and ability to engage with others indicates strong social awareness and relationship management skills which are key components of EQ.  I types can, however,  be challenged when it comes to self-regulation and balancing their enthusiasm.  Practicing patience and taking a more measured approach to decision making can help them recognize when they are being overly optimistic or ambitious about decisions or commitments.  A thoughtful, more patient approach can help I types to slow down, recognize other feelings in the room, and foster more realistic and effective interactions.
  • Steadiness (S) types are dependable, cooperative, and good listeners. Their high levels of empathy and social skills align well with the EQ components of social awareness and relationship management. S types can be challenged with both managing conflict and adapting to change.  These obstacles can impede their ability to move forward by stepping in to uncomfortable situations.  Developing strategies to assert themselves more confidently and work on change management skills. These qualities will strengthen their already enviable resilience, and ultimately, their overall effectiveness both positive and negative situations.
  • Conscientiousness (C) types are analytical, detail-oriented, and systematic. They often possess strong self-regulation skills, although they might struggle with social awareness and relationship management. The C type’s general focus on tasks and precision can sometimes make interpersonal interactions challenging. For C types, improving EQ involves fostering empathy and learning to communicate more openly and flexibly, which can help them connect better with colleagues and appreciate diverse perspectives.

By understanding the intersections between DiSC personality types and EQ, individuals can develop targeted strategies to enhance their emotional intelligence. This integrated approach not only promotes personal growth but also fosters more effective and harmonious relationships in both professional and personal settings.