Go for the Gold: Integrity at Vincentian
As we reflect on an amazing two-and-a-half weeks in Paris coming to a close, now is a good time to remind ourselves of Vincentian’s own gold standard: integrity.
Just like in the Olympics, maintaining fairness, honesty, and respect is the key to our success. As we just witnessed champions take the stage, we can also put these same lessons into practice at our workplace.
Be Honest: Honesty is the foundation of any true champion. When sharing information with a colleague or documenting in a resident’s chart, always be truthful.
Stay Confidential: Handle sensitive information with care. Protect our resident’s protection health information and report any potential breaches to compliance immediately.
Avoid Conflicts of Interest: Just like athletes cannot judge their own events, avoid situations where your personal interests or investments clash with Vincentian duties. Disclose any potential conflicts with the Compliance Officer. Keep our games fair!
Follow the Rules: Every sport has rules, and Vincentian must follow the rules as well, abide by our policies, and speak up if you see something. Shortcuts lead to disqualification in the Olympics, and in healthcare, shortcuts can lead to hefty fines and penalties. Playing by the rules ensures a level field for everyone.
Report Concerns-Your Olympic Responsibility: Do not hesitate to report any concern. You can always reach out to Katie Talerico for a confidential conversation at ktalerico@vcs.org or 412.926.6146. For anonymous reporting, employees may also call the Compliance Hotline at 1-866-435-2201 or file a report online at MyComplianceReport.com (Access ID: VCS)
Thank you for your commitment to upholding our gold-standard values. By maintaining integrity, we ensure Vincentian remains a champion in compassionate care for our children and residents.